Set up automatic on/off times and other commands for your air conditioner to optimize energy usage and adjust the temperature at specific times.
1. Open the Cuby Smart app and select the Cuby device where you want to set up a schedule.
2. Tap on Cuby settings and select the "Schedules" option.
3. Tap the (+) button to add a new schedule.
4. Tap on "Execution Time" to set the time and "Execution Days" to select the days the schedule will run.
5. Tap on Next to set up the commands that will run on the selected days and times.
1. Open the Cuby Smart app and select the Cuby device where you want to configure a schedule.
2. Tap on Cuby settings and select the "Schedules" option.
3. Toca en el botón de (+) para agregar un nuevo horario.
4. Tap on "Execution Time" to set the time and "Execution Days" to select the days the schedule will run.
Select execution time
Select execution days
5. Tap on "Add/remove action" to set up the commands that will run on the selected days and times.
6. This is how a created schedule will be displayed:
New schedule created