Identify the LED color on your Cuby; below are the possible causes and solutions.
Cuby is not connected to the WiFi network.
- WiFi network or password change:
Update the WiFi settings on your Cuby. - Internet service unavailable:
Verify that your internet connection is working properly. You may need to contact your internet service provider. - Low or no WiFi signal strength:
Cuby might be too far from the internet access point. Try moving Cuby closer to an area with a stronger signal.
Indicates poor connection or loss of power.
When Cuby is idle and connected to the internet, the LED indicator will turn off after a few seconds. Check if it is indeed off.
When reconnecting Cuby to power, the LED will light up in the following sequence: red, yellow, green.
- Cuby disconnected from power:
Ensure Cuby is properly powered. When correctly connected, the LED lights up in the sequence: red, yellow, green. - Possible factory defect in Cuby:
Confirm that when disconnecting and reconnecting to power, the LED lights up briefly (in any color).
*Once connected to the internet, it is normal for the LED to turn green and then turn off. - LED does not turn on:
Try changing the power source or plugging into different outlets. If the problem persists, contact us to validate your warranty.
- Cuby does not receive an IP address from the router/modem:
Restart the router, switch to a different router, or add a dedicated router for Cuby. - Internet access blocked by firewall:
Ensure you have all the necessary permissions from the network administrator. - Low WiFi signal strength:
Cuby might be too far from the access point. Try relocating it to another spot.